Maclaren Globetrotter vs Quest

In this head to head comparison, Maclaren Globetrotter vs Quest, you will find out everything that you need to know about which of these strollers you should choose. It’s understandable why you want more information about these higher-end strollers. They are very similar. However, they are different enough that you should definitely be able to choose between the two by the end of this page. Go ahead and continue reading to find out which model is right for you.

Maclaren Globetrotter – Click here to check price

Maclaren Quest – Click here to check price

Maclaren Globetrotter vs Quest: Which Stroller is Right for you...?

Size and Appearance

MacLaren Globetrotter vs Quest

MacLaren Globetrotter Stroller

Both the Maclaren Globetrotter and the Maclaren Quest are both beautiful and fantastic strollers. Both are nearly identical in size, but in appearance they are quite different. The Maclaren Globetrotter comes in two color combinations. The first is medieval blue with stripes of festival fuchsia on either side of the seat. The second option has the same color pattern, but scarlet instead of blue and char in the place of fuchsia. The hood on this stroller is straighter than the Maclaren Quest with a rather flat top instead of curving forward.

The Maclaren Quest offers more options (10 color combinations to choose from what I found). One example includes a black body and a silver seat with other options including black and champagne, charcoal and cardinal, charcoal and coral orange, as well as dove and orchid smoke. The hood of this model is more curved down than the Maclaren Globetrotter. The seat also comes down further on this model so that there is fabric between the seat and the leg rest, which the Maclaren Globetrotter lacks.


Both the Maclaren Globetrotter and the Maclaren Quest will seat a child up to 55 pounds, so they fit most children until they’re about 5 years old. Many customers who used them said that they worked well for taller children as well. For parents, this is an excellent stroller if you are on the taller side. These strollers are also extremely lightweight, easy to maneuver, and the Maclaren Quest is easy to collapse.

There are some drawbacks in performance, though. For both, shorter parents usually have difficulty with these strollers since they are slightly taller strollers. The other performance complaint is that the Maclaren Globetrotter doesn’t collapse with one hand as easily as the company promises.


It is helpful to note that the Maclaren Globetrotter has a removable seat. This seat can be simply machine washed to remove any dirt or stains from the fabric. Aside from this, the strollers can simply be wiped down to remove stains.


As mentioned before, both these Maclaren strollers recommend a weight limit of 55 pounds. For most children, this weight is hit around the age of five but, of course, can vary. They both have a minimum weight recommendation as well. The Maclaren Globetrotter has a 5-pound minimum while the Maclaren Quest has a 4-pound minimum.

Click here to get more details on the Maclaren Globetrotter

Click here to get more details on the Maclaren Quest


So, if you’re looking for a stroller that will fit your child through their toddler years, odds are you’ll need that stroller to last that long. Luckily, many customers said that these strollers don’t easily tear or break. On the other hand, though, customers who said that they needed to invoke the warranty had a difficult time. According to several customers, the customer service of Maclaren can be unresponsive at times.

Another point that some customers brought up for durability was the wheels. For both models, they are made of a mix of rubber and plastic. Many customers commented on the strength of the wheels, even over time. Even after a while of use, you should still have a smooth ride.


Maclaren knows that for a parent on the go, there’s usually a lot you must take with you to be prepared for the day. As such, Maclaren made sure to make a product that wouldn’t be too hard to carry and included a shoulder strap so you can easily carry it when it is folded.

Convenient Features

MacLaren Quest Stroller

MacLaren Quest Stroller

Probably the most convenient feature that these strollers have is storage space. These lightweight strollers feature a large compartment below the seat to store things. Unfortunately, this compartment can be difficult to access while the child is seated. They can both also close with one hand, although this is easier to achieve on the Maclaren Quest.

Another convenient feature of these strollers is the reclining potential. The Maclaren Globetrotter allows for 5 different reclining positions and the Malaren Quest allows for 4 different positions. This means that no matter how young your child is, both these strollers can adjust to a comfortable position for them. For even more convenience, each of these strollers have an easy to use, one-handed recline.


Maclaren is extremely confident in their product and offer a lifetime warranty. This warranty will cover any manufacturing defects that you run across that cause the stroller to perform insufficiently. Unfortunately, more than a few customers have complained that Maclaren’s customer service is difficult to work with. They complained that they were unresponsive. Some customers also complained that when the stroller breaks that Maclaren won’t cover it, claiming it is from wear and tear rather than manufacturing mistakes.

Pros and Cons

Both these strollers have many helpful features to make your life a little bit easier. For one, they both feature plenty of storage to help you store any groceries or baby supplies you might need. They both are also available in many different colors, with the Maclaren Quest offering more than ten different colors and the Maclaren Globetrotter offering two. These are also lightweight, durable strollers with lifetime warranties, so they will last you a long time.

However, there are drawbacks to both these products. For one, the one-handed close on the Maclaren Globetrotter, it is difficult to use. The storage on both is also difficult to access when the child is seated in the stroller. One of the biggest issues for many customers, though, is Maclaren’s customer service. Some who had to use the lifetime warranty found it almost more difficult than it was worth.

Click here to see reviews and ratings for the Maclaren Globetrotter

Click here to see reviews and ratings for the Maclaren Quest

Summary and Recommendation

Both of these strollers are great for parents on the taller side. In the end, though, these products are not equal and the Maclaren Quest pulls slightly ahead. While the Maclaren Globetrotter offers more reclining positions, the Maclaren Quest pulls ahead in almost every other respect. The one-handed mechanisims, for one, work better, making life a little easier for parents on the go. The Maclaren Quest also offers all of its benefits at a more budget-friendly price than the Maclaren Globetrotter.

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