Hoover UH70240 vs UH70210

On this page, you will find everything that you will need to make an educated decision in the Hoover UH70240 vs UH70210 comparison. We did the work, and it was a lot of work to find accurately and meaningful information that would help you to discern between these two near identical products. We visited several sites, including big box retailers along with the manufacturer itself to confirm this information. We are confident that by the time you reach the end of this page, you will know which of these machines is right for you.

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Hoover UH70240 vs UH70210 Vacuum Comparison

Size and Appearance

Hoover UH70240 vs UH70210

Hoover UH70210

Both the Hoover UH70240 and the Hoover UH70210 are both excellent, upright models. The Hoover UH70210 is just slightly under 18 pounds, making it not the lightest vacuum available but better than most. This vacuum comes in three different colors; blue, cobalt blue, or red. Along with the color you choose the Hoover UH70210 has gray accents in the middle of the vacuum – or the “Windtunnel” – is clear so you can easily see interior functions.

The Hoover UH70240 is roughly the same size as the Hoover UH70210 but Hoover doesn’t specify the exact weight of this product. Unlike the Hoover UH70210, this model is only available in one color: blue. However, this blue is much brighter than the blue model of the Hoover UH70210. It also has the clear section and gray accents with the addition of bright orange accents as well.


While the Hoover UH70210 and the Hoover UH70240 may be bagless, they are not cordless. The powerful, 12 amp motors in these vacuums only work when they’re plugged in, so it is important that the cord is long enough to allow you ample room to clean. For the Hoover UH70210, the cord is 25 feet long while the Hoover UH70240 is only slightly longer with a cord of 27 feet. You won’t have to worry about these long cords getting tangled either since both models boast a cord rewind, which easily stores the cord with the push of a button.

The Hoover UH70240 and the Hoover UH70210 are engineered with strong motors as well. Each of these models use cyclonic technology to provide suction. This method is extremely effective at picking up everything from pet hair to small dust particles.


Both these vacuums perform rather well and many customers praise them highly. They work well to pick up everything – including stubborn pet hair. The only performance complaint that customers had was with the Hoover UH70240’s performance over time, but that will be discussed in detail momentarily.


You, of course, make sure to empty the dirt cup in your vacuum every time you use it but there is a little more to cleaning than that. The Hoover UH70210 and the Hoover UH70240 both come with a variety of accessories that all need to be clean to work properly. To clean these, simply use a mild soap or detergent with warm water and then allow the pieces to air dry. Then you can simply reattach them to your vacuum.


The Hoover UH70240 and the Hoover UH70210 has been reported by some customers to have a decently sized dirt cup, however, Hoover does not specify exactly how large the dirt cup on these models are.

Click here to get more details on the Hoover UH70210


For the Hoover UH70240, most customers were sorely disappointed with how long it lasted. Some reported that specific parts broke such as the belt while some complained that after a year or so of use, their unit stopped working altogether. Many owners of the Hoover UH70210, on the other hand, were impressed by how well their unit held up to time and work.


Both these models come with certain tools to help make sure that you can accomplish the most thorough cleaning possible. Each of these units comes with a crevice tool, a dusting brush, and an upholstery tool to help you clean every surface of your home. They also both feature an air-powered pet hand tool. This tool uses rubber blades that are easy to keep clean alongside powerful suction to collect any hair your pet may leave behind.

Convenient Features

The vacuums have many convenient features that make them exceptionally useful. First of all, they both have quality HEPA filters to help trap dirt and allergens as you clean. These vacuums also each have 5 different brush height settings, meaning that you can vacuum anything from hardwood floors to low pile carpets. These models also include performance check indicator lights that will notify you if any machinery in your vacuum is causing a problem or if anything is wrong with its performance.

Both the Hoover UH70240 and the Hoover UH70210 have bumper guards as well. Hoover designed these so you don’t have to worry about bumping into things as you clean, the Hoover UH70210 uses a scuff guard bumper while the Hoover UH70240 uses a soft touch bumper. These models also have headlights on them, so you can see exactly where you are cleaning.


The Hoover UH70240 and the Hoover UH70210 are both covered by a limited warranty of two years. If any manufacturing defect or fault causes a problem within two years of the purchase date, Hoover will help to replace, repair, or refund your vacuum. However, the intended use for these products is household use and if it is used otherwise, the warranty is voided.

Pros and Cons

These products are both easy to use and effective in picking up hair and dirt off all your floors. They come with multiple tools that help you clean every nook and cranny in your home. Each of them also boasts a durable HEPA filter as well, making sure that any dirt and allergens your vacuum sucks up stay trapped.

However, neither is perfect. The Hoover UH70240 has longer cord than the Hoover UH70210 and on a corded vacuum, a couple feet can make a big difference depending on the layout of your house. The Hoover UH70240, though, also has many complaints regarding its durability. Customers of both, though, have complained about how bulky they are.


When it comes down to it, the Hoover UH70210 is the better choice. It has the durability that the Hoover UH70240 lacks and it offers it at a much more budget-friendly price, although a sale could change that. You can also access all the specifications prior to purchase so, you know exactly what you’re buying.

Check reviews, ratings and more for the Hoover UH70210

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